
Fernando Magiag

Mobile Developer

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About Me

Acting with software development for more than 7 years, working with projects of large companies.

Bachelor of Information Systems and currently responsible for the Android mobile development of a group of apps responsible for managing condominiums.

Always seeking perfection and learning new things, enjoying working with R & D, seeking to carry out innovative projects and contribute in some way to society.

Skills: native android, web mobile (HTML5, Javascript, CSS3, NodeJs, React and Angular), landing pages, games (createjs), rich media.


Construct, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil

Android Engineer

Developer of Android Applications.

Avenue Code, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil

Android Engineer

Developer of Android Applications.

Zup, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil

Android Developer

Developer of Android Applications.

Lalubema, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil

Android Developer

Developer of Android Applications.

Pontomobi, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil

Systems Analyst

Design and development of Android Applications, Website mobile , Landing Pages, Banners Rich Media and games for mobile web.

Banco do Brasil, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil

Internship in Java Development

Design and development of Intranet Portal in Java Web Application, Devel- opment of web templates and interfaces. Management of SQL databases.

Fundação Clovis Salgado, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil

Internship in Help Desk

Service of Help Desk, Management and migration of servers, Preventive and corrective maintenance of computers and printers, Backup routines.


Centro Universitário UniSEB

2016 - 2017

MBA Engineering and Innovation

Project: System Applied to Incentive of Sport Collective

SENAI - Belo Horizonte-MG

2011 - 2013

Technical Course in Electronics

Project: Energy Monitoring and Control

Anhanguera Belo Horizonte-MG

2009 - 2012

Bachelor of Information Systems


CONNECTT Condomínio

Development of new features and maintenance of the App responsible for the management of condominiums developed by the company Laubema Sistemas Ltda.

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Somattos Connect

Development of new features and maintenance of the App responsible for the management of condominiums of the construction company Sommatos developed by the company Laubema Sistemas Ltda.

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Smart Home - MVituzzo

Development of new features and maintenance of the App responsible for the management of condominiums of the construction company MVituzzo developed by the company Laubema Sistemas Ltda.

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Gafisa Home & Share

Development of new features and maintenance of the App responsible for the management of condominiums of the construction company Gafisa Home & Share developed by the company Laubema Sistemas Ltda.

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Viver MRV

Development of new features and maintenance of the App responsible for the management of condominiums of the construction company MRV developed by the company Laubema Sistemas Ltda.

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Patrimar Access

Development of new features and maintenance of the App responsible for the management of condominiums of the construction company Patrimar developed by the company Laubema Sistemas Ltda.

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Development of new features and maintenance of the App responsible for the management of condominiums of the construction company Beco Castelo developed by the company Laubema Sistemas Ltda.

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Meu Vivo Móvel

Development of new features and maintenance of the App responsible for the management of mobile phone plan of the operator VIVO developed by the company Pontomobi Sistemas Ltda.

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5 à sec

Development of new features and maintenance of the App responsible for the search of information and laundry units 5 à sec developed by the company Pontomobi Sistemas Ltda.

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